Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Revolution No. 1

Before I can even begin to rant regarding subjects of heavy nature, I must take a minute to address the significance of my experience thus its influence on my social dispositions. My life thus far has been a collage of experiences that has put forth literally every emotion and every type of experience. Evidently, the most influential experiences have been the emotionally distressing and damaging ones. I have reached a state in my consciousness where my belief and value system is completely based off of myself as a human being naturally and unaffected by my toxic environment. I base everything off of science, being I am a scientifically engineered speciman, and being science is the only truth. Through a string of experience, extreme edification, and many psychedelic experiences, I have disconnected my consciousness from the ills society tries to apply on me. These ills are evidently the precursors to an extremely diseased society in which we unfortunately live in. Of these ills, the one that seems to be the trigger thus cause of all others is the monetary system and not just that; our extreme obsession of monetary gain and value. The monetary system allows one party to prosper while inversely the other party is negatively affected causing inherent imbalances in our society. For example, the military. Militant leaders thus corrupt leaders as we have seen throughout history and who still prosper to this day, gain wealth through the ultimate destruction of others. War. War is never for a honest cause being of the monetary system. War is profitable for the one in command. Yet that profit comes at the price of others lives. Human lives. One values money over human life and thats fucked up. Every system in every sector of society deals from this basis and true inherency, so we can infer from this implication that the monetary potential of such situations truelly are the root reasons of societal problems. Society has become indoctrinated in this system and are reluctant to oppose and break free because they are so far gone into this ideals that it is therefore extremely hard to break free because the preverbial "shell" is so thick and hard to break. But once someone puts aside all bias and pre-indoctrination, they will become fully aware that what I am proposing here is the absolute truth. One has not experienced being a human being when they are fully indoctrinated into a society being they are being shown a false reality of what they are, everyone else is, and everything that is. I value entheogenic psychedelic experience because these experiences allow our bare human nature to break free from cruel and ill proposed indoctrination and see who WE really are, what it means to be a human being, and how we should function as a society. A unicellular organism is all that anything in existance is. It is our natural inclination to become one with our universe. Being there is reality, we can infer that this is true and society is making us work against our human behavior and thus creating war, poverty, socioeconomic differences, religious sanctions, starvation, corporate oppression and everything negative in existance you can think of and beyond.
Talking to some people regarding these matters is rather difficult. People actually try to debate me with their irrevelent, ill-grounded claims. Like the one relating us to early humans and animals. Their argumentation is that humans are animals and only the strong survive and war keeps the planet and society alive. They are making an invalid analogy. Human consciousness is what separates us and animals. Human consciousness is the component that generates ideals and the ability to use the earth's resources in accordnace with technology and science. Animals do not have the ability to build a technologically advanced society being they don't have the consciousness to do so.
Art is the cognitive ability to create something within the realms of consciousness. I feel as though art is a natural expression of human consciousness. Animals do not express artistic ability inferring that their conscious is a lot different than ours. Looking at this great mosaic of artists that have heavily impacted our society, I may question myself, where did they go? There was once a time where we had artists as Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Michalangelo, Rembrant, and Picasso. It is a common misconception to call art dead. Art isn't dead, it's simply oppressed by a ruthless monetary system. The natural inclination of any aspect of society is to change; to evolve. Art evolved. It evolved style through style then format to format. The systematic portion of out society has progressed to a state where it doesn't allow art to become apparent in society or widely recognized. The monetary system has made it extremely difficult for true artists to pursue a career path focused around their passion because of the imbalance of wealth. Artists have an extremely low salary and inversely art school is extremely expensive thus a lack of many artists who regulary produce art. Yet there is brilliant, innovative underground art produced by people who put their need to express their passion in front of monetary system. This art is oppressed because it is psychedelic and outlandish and does not fit in with popular culture. I grew up in a family of six children, two of them extremely talented and passionate artists. My oldest sister Genevieve went to two art schools to drop out of both ultimately because of the poor and below adequate salary the very expensive education would produce. My sister Josephine whom is my closest sibling didn't even apply because of the poor salary even with an extremely expensive education. Lack of Economic feasability in an inherently flawed capitalistic system has resulted in a large deterrance of true artists pursuing a career in art. This has caused emotional distress in the populace of those affected by the monetary situation, especially my sisters. They are not happy deep inside being they are not pursuing what they want to do in this world as a true human being. Experiencing being a human being is truelly understanding what you are and what you truelly want and how your behavior should reflect your true expression of individualism. These behaviors conflict with societal order and we are forced to conform by an exploitative system. WE are not allowed to be who WE are and ultimately this is the precursor to mental illness. Human needs are being fucking ignored on the account that we have a system that enables invalid value systems to prosper. One must take time to really analyze the emotional, mental, and physical needs of a human being and base around a value and economic system around those needs that ultimate goal is to satisy all those needs universally and abundantly without any damage to the earth whatsoever.
Let us take a minute to evaluate the status quo. In 2010 we are using a monetary system in which we use paper currency to buy goods and services. The premise of this system is a profit motive wherein one profits because they sell a product in one way or another to another party so that party can meets its own needs or wants more adequately. Upon analyzing what this system enables humans to do, we can conclude that the profiteer can rip off the other party so the profiteer can make more money. It allows one party to prosper and another to suffer an ultimately humans are exploited for profit. We base most of our countries profit off of the fewest things, but not only the fewest but the most socially irrelevent as well. Our biggest source of income is the military. The military is no more than a corporation that kills people and inversely enables a war profiteer to make a lot of money. Blood for oil, blood for money. It's a system that we use and do not take time to think of any consequences it might bring. Our other main sources of profit all come from a select group of huge corporations. Fast food, automobile, oil, fossil fuels, a corrupt farming system and every other business you can think of that are large profiteers are all controlled by corporations of conglomerates. Analyzing fast food one is able to determine that the products this profiteer sells are extremely low quality, extremely unhealthy and all due to the motivation that they want to make the produce extremely cheap so they can make more money off of it. This translates again to one prospering, while millions are having health problems and even dying because of their extremely low quality products. The automative industry is interpreted as extremely inefficient because they produce obsolete cars which demand oil and that oil is inturn burnt at millions and millions times its rate of renewability. Economists think too narrowly how to fix an economy. They try to fix the things within the system. They try and try but fail to realize that for these things to change the whole system has to change and changing small factors to do nothing because this is not a system that suits true human values, efficiency, and progress. The profit motive is an invention used to control other human beings by means of society. It has been perpetually manipulated to be a false reality in ones mind.
Creativity is definined by ones ability to create something in their mind. The term is broad however because your mind can create anything. Our mind within itself is all creation. We create the world we see through perception and conscious observation. We create ideals consciously that we can implement into society and into our work so therefore our environment in a way can be created by our mind and in a way is created by our observations. Our mind can subconsciously create alternate realities are extremely young ages that are ultimately influence by our environment. That environment has been fixed by profiteers to "brainwash" one so that the person being manipulated may follow the profiteers agenda moreso intently. The largest example is the media. Inversely, a specific example would have to do with a family member of mine. My brother whom is 24 has harsh dispositions on recreational drug use, specifically marijuana. He has never smoked marijuana nor has he been around the drug culture in reality to really know what it is like. Furthermore, when he was a young teenager one of his favorite films was "Half Baked". Despite Dave Chappelle being the star, the film is very anti-drug- and not on the basis of truth either. That film creates an extremely false reality of what drug culture is like even in a monetary system therefore manipulating ones mind to think illogically. I have come to the point where I thoroughly realize "Marijuana use is not harmful, it is extremely normal, and mildly psychotherapeutic." His mind has not accepted that. That sector of his logic is trapped into this false reality that doesn't allow him to think skeptically about his ideas.
I look at my life retrospectively and realize there is an excess of negativity thus negative events. These such events have a common precursor as they are caused by financial issues. I have learned self-acceptance through the conclusive evidence that a person is molded by their environment and ultimately you are everything and everything is you. Many use the excuse "we are naturally evil" (an opinion based on religion) to justify our actions. People fail to realize our true potential as a society and really commit to the ongoing game and are afraid of progress because progress is change. I think differently, I am afraid of our society not changing, because if it doesn't; human life as we know it will become extinct.
We must take time to think of insanity. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different outcomes. Our minds must adapt to how our society needs to change, we must be willing to break free from ideals that form how the game goes currently to be able to live healthily as a society on this planet. It seems moronic to me that people have chosen a system that is grounded in nothing and a system that ultimately cripples society; why didn't we choose a system that accentuates true potential and uses sustainability and efficiency as the basis to our economy instead of scarcity and inefficiency? A prime example of a component of society directly and negatively affected by the monetary is our transportation system. The purpose of a transportation system is to provide human beings with access to resources. Our transportation system mainly is based upon fossil fuels and we are burning these fossil fuels millions and millions of times their rate of renewability. This is because oil is a limited resource therefore seen as scarce compared to other abundant energies as magnetic force; scarcity is profitable and profit is the main objective of a monetary system. Many of these politicians do not seem to understand that an efficient transportation system does not go hand in hand with the money system. Politicians and humans in general that are indoctrinated into these systems are forced to over think in such a small fractal of really what is real. These problems in society have a much more simplistic solutions as they have a common factor for the root of their causes. I have been called arrogant because I KNOW FOR A FUCKING FACT I AM RIGHT. That may sound arrogant as it does but it is important that people come aware.

I have a constant ongoing battle with myself that involves my existance and life in this society. I contemplate aborting this world because sometimes I think it is totally not worth even living in this horrible, fucked up society. There a mindset that I strive to keep but its becoming harder and harder to keep. Sometimes I feel thoroughly motivated to do my best to change this world and co-create a society that would suit our needs as intelligent beings. Then I get so down when I think of the current state of everything. I think, why bother? But I must not let emotions get in the way of what really needs to happen. Blatant ignorance from older generations angers me.

So I come to a crossroad, do I start a commune on a distant island, do I stick a fucking gun in my mouth, or do I try to face these problems and help my very ill world and aid my brothers and sisters? I know, you know, we know; WE have to change this....

So I've been to jail, mental institution after mental institution, drug rehab (for fucking smoking weed, are you fucking kidding me mom??). I've been sent to so many therapists, psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists and mostly I've been abused by society to the point of where I am so fucking internally wounded that living life to me is torture because I always think of what could be. None of these things have helped in the least bit, all of these irrelevant ways of trying to make me "normal" have wounded me further and have made me lose every bit of hope in our systems; which is a good thing because we shouldn't hold any hope in these because because they are so thoroughly flawed. It becomes hard to heal such wounds because they are so deep and I can't help but ponder them every fucking day I live on this earth. I am so damaged by this society that I feel I have become crippled and become a lesser version of myself.

The human experience has been a double-edged sword personally. I have gained so much knowledge, understanding, and awareness of the world around me and I have developed into a person reflecting those things. Inversely, I am so internally damaged from such experience, I have issues and inter-conflicts that create such a barren sadness deep inside of me. Sometimes, it is too much to handle and I wish of my abortion from an abusive society. Fml.

At this point in my life I will be bluntly honest about my mind state as it is in current affairs, I am extremely unhappy. I feel as though my person as a whole desires something real and true yet society fails to provide me with that forcing me to look deep into myself for something true. I feel as though most of my relationships with others is based off of their exploitation of material goods off of me.

I have an inner battle that consumes me thoroughly. My depressed mind state inhibits my motivation to go about to try to make the changes in the world necessary for a positive and most functional world.

Unfortunately, I am a societal outcast and have been for a long time. Few have taken me seriously and few have appreciated my character on the basis of it being who I truly am. Few have embraced me and few have believed in me. The emotional distress I feel on a daily basis is something I long to express to others but feel as though they will judge me. A kid who was and is a bit different and thinks on terms of his own rather than his environment has been ridiculed, physically beaten, oppressed by others in power, extremely emotionally abused, underestimated in his abilities, fooled into his own destruction, and ultimately rejected by the masses of society.

My whole life I knew something was wrong but I didn't know fundamentally why it was wrong. I knew oppressive authoritative figures inhibited our ability to create something incredible. I knew the public education system was extremely sub par, furthermore I concluded the education system was ultimately abusive. I viewed political parties and politics in a negative manner and I viewed religion as something much less than positive for the world as one being. I was angered as a child by the injustices in our judicial system and was deeply disturbed by animal cruelty, war between brothers, and world stricken by poverty and starvation.

Subconsciously I knew there was a common link between all of these ills. I was a child with much wonder about the world but as soon as my conscious observation informed me of these things I was a child with a desire to change the world. I was regarded by adults as immature, ignorant, and uninformed. Yet, no matter how much of a piece of shit everyone made me feel like, I knew that I was right.

It took a bit of time for me to discover the common factor between all these problems present in our society. Psychedelic drugs helped show me the recurring patterns behind governmental systems. I discovered to presence of a monetary system is the precursor to all of these problems. Basing our society off of a system wherein the well being of a human being is greatly ignored due to the profit motive. Sometimes the answer to the most puzzling question is the simplest, most obvious thing. The money system is something people overlook when they try to solve societal problems because people do not think broadly enough and don't trace problems to their root.

So what do we do now? I feel discouraged as many people are so fucking ignorant to true reality. They accept violence as something that will always have a place in society but ultimately these kind of opinions hold back progression because people give up on something achievable but they use the "nature" excuse.

Being separate from society due others rejection of me has caused me great pain. All through elementary school I was harassed daily and everyone rejected me and didn't want to be my friend because I was different. I can't even express how greatly others treatment of me has damaged me.

I would like to go a bit into my education. Throughout elementary school I was so different from everyone else that everyone was ultimately threatened by individual differences. I spent many days secluded in the bathroom in tears due to others ridicule. I became extremely anti-social and quiet yet jokes were still played upon me and I was the whipping post of my peers. I never fought back or stood up for myself because I didn't have confidence to do so. My person was so oppressed by society that I couldn't even carry any sort of confidence. I was extremely emotionally abused at that age and I was too young to know how to express it. My parents loved me as did the rest of the family, but they never could speak to me on a level where I was truelly comforted or helped. I do want a child one day because I want to be a person in my child's life that no one in my life was. I want to be there for my child and to truly care and help him/her from that young age. As elementary school progressed I found reading and writing as an outlet to channel my emotional pain. I sat in the back corner of classrooms and read books and wrote my thoughts down and didn't really pay attention to what was going on. The abuse I endured prevented me from being integrated into society. In a way it was a good thing as it helped me truly develop into an individual.

My anger then channeled into my appearance and attitude. I adopted to punk rock style because it represented my hatred of authority and gave me more individualism. Of course, I was made fun of by everyone. No one could look past a coloured mohawk and outlandish attire to appreciate the person I was and still am. I feel as though my inner beauty and potential was ultimately ignored because of judgement ultimately influenced by a system that values self preservation and monetary gain and trains others to see them selves so separate from others and to only pick out individual differences.

This is the story of an infinitesimile fractal of a collage of human experience all negatively affected by the monetary paradigm. This is the story of someone so affected by this paradigm, that is almost killed him and in a way has killed him already. So where do we go from here? It took realizing the true roots of my problems to come to a plan of what I have to do to change the way things are and to bring about a positive world.

Authority is a concept that promotes the profit motive and in whole is a concept that gives lee-way in society for socioeconomic differences, corruption, and ultimately the exploitation of humans not in authority. A relationship between an authoritative figure and one under the authority of the authoritative party could be defined as a co-dependant relationship. Each party depends on each other for their societal survival yet it is an extremely unhealthy relationship. Neither party grows however because one party is being oppressed and not allowed to grow while the other grows in a way but not really if you think about it. An interdependent relationship is a relationship between two equal parties wherein they build off of each other and their collaboration helps each individual build. The monetary paradigm calls for co-dependent relationships that again creates social separation and slows progression within society.

Monetary paradigm- corruption, separation, exploitation, resource depletion, inefficiency, anti-progression, war, pain, starvation, scarcity, hatred and emotional pain.

RBE- efficiency, true equality, true freedom, resource management, pro-progression, abundance, and love....

We are desire to love, that's why one refers to being in love as the greatest feeling in the world. We must displace our love for money to our love for others, our universe, and ourselves.

A co-creationist society is our only choice in terms of an RBE, where WE create our world and really progress to really learn of our true potential as a human race. If we ALL create THIS, THIS could be an extremely wonderful world. We must not let our children in the next generation be fooled and indoctrinated by religious and bullshit political ideals and open to concepts of natural science, co-creation, and love.

An extremely dark history surrounds the subjects that challenge any authoritative system. This history involves execution, torture, imprisonment, and social oppression put forth by the party in power. Henry David Thoreau greatly challenged the government in power and furthermore was outspoken in his literature about his social dispositions. Ultimately, true intelligence is extremely oppressed because the authoritative party realizes those with true intelligence see through the bullshit.

You know, where do you think the monetary system is going? In a couple years health care will be so expensive it will consume over half of one's net income. And what happens that the interest on loans becomes so great that it cannot be paid off, or if China wants their fucking cash? And what about inflation?

So at what point to we universally stand up for ourselves as human beings and stand up to an extremely oppressive and paralyzing paradigm? What will it take for us to change this? If we make the conscious effort to change the world in the ways in which it needs to be changed, our potential as a civilization will truly be expressed for the first time in the history of our civilization. It may take a string of catastrophic events to prelude a universal realization of "What the fuck are we doing to ourselves and our earth?"

So it comes to an inner battle within myself between my corporate, indoctrinated self and myself as I truly am. My environment, our society, only promotes the former not that latter. My artistic, creative, intuitive self is ultimately oppressed by the institutions I am forced to associate with. My art in terms of my musical abilities, my photographic talents, and my ability to intelligently put my thoughts into words. Many overlook a person for who they truly are in terms of their person in the strongest and deepest form and flock to aesthetics, social impressions, and use of that person in terms of their finances. Our financial mindset forces us to look at each other as products and services rather than as we really are. It is time where we stand up for ourselves as human beings and express our potential, we have gone too long letting pain, suffering, oppression, greed, and corruption run our beautiful planet. We've been indoctrinated into hate and the mindset of segregation. Hate and segregation have an extreme relation as love and integration do as well. Hate is derived from the focus of separation and pointing out insignificant differences and furthermore focusing on those differences. Love is the realization that what you love is you and you are what you love. An integrated society wherein people do not focus on insignificant differences but embrace the extremely significant similarities between people that ultimately unite us all. A scientific approach to this concept would be that of the connection of everything to everything else.

Many are ignorant to the social significance of what I am saying. Many are ignorant of the extreme relevance of what I am saying has to their life. This social disease we call the monetary system will be the X factor in the elimination of our species on this planet. If we do not abolish this social paradigm, catastrophic events will impose upon the existence of our race. I am speaking of wars of epic proportion; and furthermore the magnitude of these wars we cannot even fathom at this point. Famine beyond our most extreme predictions, environmental destruction that may be so detrimental that it may be irreversible. I am talking of disease that may destroy most of the population because of a lack of widespread healthcare. Disease that will surpass the extremities of past plagues. We may experience scarcity in terms of real scarcity; not in terms of perpetually manipulated scarcity to draw corporation profit. Starvation on such a widespread level that wars will ignite not for various resource grabs or political power but for actual survival. All of these problems are an extreme reality of what may come in our lifetime and will be the result of this fucked up paradigm. What will it take for humanity as a whole to come to terms with it's environment and really think of it's relationship to the earth and fellow human beings? These problems will be natures reaction to our abuse and misuse of each other and the earth.

Conscious realization must be followed by conscious action. Words without action bring no satisfaction and we must live by that principle. Furthering your action just a little bit, making that decision to DO so, initiating participation by others is what completes our plan as to what WE must do, because there are a lot of problems that need to be solved, children to be guided, disease to be cured and indoctrinations to be broken. Our road as a society ahead is treacherous but we need to bravely march down it; it is critical for the survival of the human organism. We cannot be so fucking stupid to live in a bubble that separates us from all relative thought. We must think about our relationship to our physical health, our mental health, our fellow human beings, and our earth. We must use science and only science to dictate our conscious action in terms of what we put into our body and how we harvest our earths resources. We must embrace technological advancement and progressive change as it is our key to survival. Our knowledge thus applicated knowledge and understandings of all that is relevant to us is the key to survival. Note i said "applicated knowledge" being we have to put our words into actions. Here are some ideas what we can do now to help save our earth and civilization.

1. Recycle; as of the moment, I see most people dispose of recyclable materials. We cannot be so stupid to waste our resources at such an exponential rate. Plastics are composed mainly of oil; which is a LIMITED resource that we all know we are depleting. Most materials are recyclable; meaning you may have to find a facility that recycles numbers other than 1 and 2.

2. Compost; composting is the act of disposing of all biodegradable materials in an environment such as outdoors
where it is allowed to decompose into extremely high quality soil and can be used to grow FOOD. Our landfills are full of so much organic matter that could be utilized and recycled back into the earth.

3. Being most are unable to make their own clothes; buy from the goodwill; not from any other stores. So much clothing is wasted and many are in need of clothing. Furthermore, clothing stores as Gap and Abercrombie and Fitch utilize exploitation of foreign countries resources and exploits women and children for cheap labor. Good Will and second hand stores are all recycled clothes. Good Will is still a corporation but they do a lot to help out people in need.

4. Educate yourself in the most unbiased way possible; read all kinds of books.

So I go to a state school; California University of Pennsylvania. When I was young I aspired to go a prestigious school as Harvard, Yale, Brown, Cornell, UC Berkeley, or Stanford. Obviously things didn't work out as I planned and I am at school that isn't prestigious and accepts students with a 2.0 GPA. I am not angry I am here because I had a lot of problems as a teenager that caused me to sway my focus off of my future. It is my fault I am not at a school where I could more thoroughly expand my reputation of what I want myself to be seen as. I didn't do the things necessary in my past to go to a prestigious school. I am here for a reason however. I observe this institution as one filled with humans haunted with despair, negativity, and apathy. A collage of students of thorough conditioning by a system that doesn't care about them as a person in presented here. I see an example of how our system really oppresses people to a point where they DON'T believe in themselves so they subject themselves to a sub-par institution. These students can be helped and I feel it is my responsibility as a human to help these students attitudes change from an apathetic and unmotivated one to a consciously active and positive one. A school full of prisoners of our world is what I see. They have been trained to believe they are different from one another thus social cliques and ideals that think they are better than some and inversely less than others. Our financial system and the social values expressed in coordinance with this system have caused a part of them to become dormant. The true human aspect of many is almost "deactivated" by our society; because it is a part of a master plan for social control for the few rich an powerful. This human aspect is activated in many in our society but inversely; the mass of society is so controlled that it is dormant. Many people of notable contribution to our society such as Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, and Isaac Newton are only different from everyone else in the term that they activated their true potential because they were intelligent to a point of extreme realization. They knew reality on a level other people did not. Many of these people were extremely suppressed in their life. I have been extremely suppressed but to the point where it activated something in me I cannot explain. They almost knew what they were to do before they even did it. We must know that we are all capable of things beyond what our society tells us. We must trust within ourselves and really believe that we can acquire things beyond what we currently think.

Reaching out to ones younger than me is my current goal. I have an idea of setting up outreach programs to children of very young ages. It is so hard to convince people of great conditioning that what they have been conditioned to think is absolute bullshit, however, children are a lot more open to these ideas being they haven't had this social disease I call the monetary system fully possess who they are yet. Children are taught extremely materialistic values are taught to chase things in life without substance. If instead children are taught values that hold true in all aspects of reality. If children are taught a true understanding of society and taught to chase the things in life that will truly make them happy; their future isn't a dark one. Many children are brought up in a household where this is the case; the father is unhealthy in all aspects and is a prisoner of a system; therefore, the father is always stressed out and always working, chasing after nothing with true value. In turn, the father may express inadequate parenting school, not just in the aspect that he is not there to teach the child and guide them in their journey in life, but when he is there; he may become angry and violent with his child and unsupportive of their emotional needs. Marital relations are thus extremely downgraded to where the parents don't express love but instead a flurry of negative and hateful emotions. The child sees his mother always depressed and stressed out and in the position of indentured servitude to her husband in terms of "women's" work as a sexist would call it. The child sees a depiction of how things are because of a toxic system and the media and world hides the truth of why that is and so the child buys into the ideas of wealth and competition. They aren't shown that it is not the way things should really be. Therefore, the child's needs have not been met in early childhood and great emotional and mental problems that can lead to physical health complications in the future become present.

If the child was in an environment where the things were done necessary to fulfill their emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical needs, problems in their mental being would cease to exist. The environment that the system builds for humans to grow up in is built in the objective to create a member of society that is subservient to the system and really forces that human to give up everything of themselves for the benefit of the few that are elite. I had a lot of emotional problems as a teenager and had a lot of shit happen to me. I was diagnosed with bipolar and was called a drug addict. I was sent to rehab, therapy, and mental institutions. And none of it helped whatsover. I have always been a rebel but earlier in my life I knew something was so wrong with the world but I couldn't quite put my finger on it but the answer of why everything was the way it was, was right in front of me the whole time. I had to trust within myself. I had to believe I was something more than my society put me out to be. Throughout school I was extremely ostricized because of how different I was from everyone. I looked at it as such a negative thing. I thought to myself "I wish I was normal". But nowadays I realize I am extremely lucky to be the extreme individual I am. I don't want to be under the same indoctrination that everyone else is under. I am not religious but I appreciate stories as the story of Jesus Christ because the story of him is something people so over think but it has such a simple meaning. Jesus Christ was just an example of how human beings should be to each and ultimately he was ostricized by the ones in power and put to an extremely painful death. He did that not for a reason of telling everyone that they should follow religion but that they should stand up for love. We have let a system breed hate and inversely kill love. We sacrificed his life and not to mention he endured extreme torture for the representation that love is something worth fighting for. It comes to a time where we are faced with extreme and the precursor to this is the few in power indoctrinating everyone to ideas that have no real basis in anything real. We must fight this and stand up for something real. Jesus Christ was no different than any other human. He was a human like I am a human; like you are; and everyone else is. His message was not to start a religion but was to fully integrate as a human civilization and to live as one. Religion creates social separation and caused a lot of shit. Why would Jesus promote this? He communed with the lowest people in our society to show no matter what we are all the same and to live as one and that we are all family no matter how great our individualistic differences are. People didn't get this though. They over thought the simplest of message. For the longest time I over thought these things. Evolution is still happening. I believe we are evolving to a state of consciousness that is that consciousness that Jesus Christ had. He said he was god; and we are god creating itself and we are moving forward towards that consciousness. An ego death on LSD gave me a state of consciousness I could describe as perfect.

I have confidence that change is coming to our society as a whole. Conscious awareness throughout the populace is becoming much more apparent; especially with the release of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. I am a avid supporter of both The Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project. These movements cannot be argued in my opinion being that they advocate an intelligent, logical, and holistic approach to running our society. Many who oppose these ideals are one's whom have extremely unhealthy emotional attachment to religion, useless economic doctrines, and ones whom are directly involved with corporate greed and oppression. It comes to no surprise that society unknowingly supports claims made by Peter Joseph. Peter speaks of the toxic attacks one may spew at him as well as the death threats. His claim that we live in an extremely ill society is well supported by one threatening his life.

What now? I'll tell you what now.....I'm going to call a couple of pipe-hitting niggers to go to work on the towns here.....with a pair of pliers and a blow torch....You hear me talking hillbilly boy?!?!? I ain't through with you by damn sight, I'm going to get medieval on your ass.

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